News - year 2024

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Testing of Control Unit on the Engine

The summer months are often associated with rest and vacations, but we certainly didn't slack off.
Since 2020, we have developed and gradually produced the ECMU-800C dual-channel control system demonstrator for AI-450C-2 and AI-800C engine control, supplied by Ivchenko Progress from Ukraine. We tested this control system in our @VTP Test Laboratory based on engine models and now sent it to Ukraine in the summer for assembly on real engines to prepare for tests on the stand.

Due to the current security situation in Ukraine, it was not possible to carry out the testing in the physical presence of our specialists. Therefore, all communication HW and SW modules had to be designed to enable remote connection of the UNIS laboratory and the engine stand to the test site directly in Ukraine. For this purpose, we designed and implemented our own unique SW application under the name "UNIStand", which enables, with the support of the licensed SW "TeamViewer", remote connection and subsequent execution of the necessary test procedures, for the successful and safe completion of all tests with the engine running.

We can state that all required tests were successfully performed and thus all customer requirements for stand tests were met.
Mastering the remote transfer of measured data from the Ivchenko Progress testing room directly to the UNIS laboratories is a huge success for us. Based on the sent results, an analysis of the information obtained in this way and an effective response to possible modification of SW modules and engine diagnostics were carried out. All adjustments are then automatically uploaded via remote access from the UNIS laboratory to the control system at the Ukrainian testing facility.


Czech Aviation Day

We participated in the 1st Czech Aviation Day, which we couldn't miss and where we had the pleasure of presenting our products. The event was a great opportunity to meet business partners, but also to see the work of other interesting Czech companies. We also had the opportunity to present our results to representatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Defense of the Czech Republic and representatives of the embassies of many countries.

Thank you for the excellent organization of ALKP - Association of the Aviation and Space Industry of the Czech Republic.


ILA Berlin

While constantly moving forward, it is always great to look back. At the ILA Berlin exhibition, we visited our long-standing Ukrainian business partners and held important strategic meetings. Together, we´ve brainstormed ideas, shared our vision and bolstered our commitment. ILA Berlin is currently not only the ideal place for such meetings, but also exciting showcase, inspiration and Innovation we have to be a part of...


Expected development of the aerospace and defense industry

We participated in the 4th annual conference "Expected development of the aerospace and defense industry in the Czech Republic and in the world." We were honored to support this interesting meeting, where trends and experiences from production, introduction of new technologies and innovations, digitization, robotization, 3D, use of artificial intelligence and other interesting topics were presented.


Successful Meeting Between UNIS DAAC and EMBRAER During Incoming Mission of EMBRAER to Czechia

We are pleased to announce that our recent successful meeting with EMBRAER, during incoming business mission to Prague, holds great promise. Both teams had productive discussions, sharing insights and exploring opportunities for future collaboration in aerospace technology. We are excited about the potential for working together and look forward to what the future holds for UNIS DAAC and EMBRAER.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to innovate and collaborate.